2010년 12월 9일 목요일

the Argentina Republic - Etiquette of Argentina

Let's explore some table manners and etiquette from Argentina!

At funerals, Argentina people are applaud.
Because, Argentina people regard the death as a bless.

Wine or leather doesn't make a good gift to Argentina people.
Because these product were made in Argentina.

After you eat,put the knife and fork in the form of cross-shaped. This mean that you finish meal.

You must buy water to drink in Argentina.
Also, Argentina people usally drink aerated water.
If you don't want a aerated water, you can choose water with red label.

If you are a woman, don't ask dance first.

the Argentina Republic - Capital of Argentina

Times Square
Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina.
There is,Argentina's Times Square,Obelisco.
Obelisco is called heart of Times Square.

La Plata River
La Plata River flows between Argentina and Urguay.
La Plata is the second largest river next to Amazon.

Cementerios Recoleta.
Cementerios Recoleta was used setting of a book of Yoshimoto Banana.

Catedral Metropolitaba.
Roman Catholic is the prevailing religion in this country.

La Boca
La Boca is tiny harbor town in Buenos Aires's west.
La Boca is birthplace of tango and Maradona's hometown.
There are perfomance artists in the street.

I think that Buenos Aires is very artistic and classic city!

the Argentina Republic - Law of Argentina

Argentina ruled that the same sex marriage is constituitional. Argentina, this year, was the first South America to allow the same sex marriage. Many people questioned the constitutionality of the law. Argentina is a largely Roman Catholic country and for the most part is against same sex marriage. This rule was denounced from pulpits. In this way, some people think that these same sex marriage are immoral. Because this is unnatural. Actually even homosexual love was disallowed in Korea.

What do you really think about this?